Inter Intra School Achievements Details


On 14th October 2023, the corridors of Manav Sthali School, New Rajender Nagar, buzzed with legal eagles, and our Class 12 Legal Studies enthusiasts soared high

At the prestigious Dr. V. K. Bhatnagar memorial 2nd Inter - School Moot Court Competition 2023, amidst a fierce battle of wits against 16 adept teams, our brilliant modernites from Class XII - Galaxy (Speaker 1), Chhavi (Speaker 20 and Rashi (Researcher) won the best rebuttal Award.

This remarkable achievement was made possible by the expert guidance of Ms. Amanpreet Kaur, who was duly recognized with a certificate of appreciation for her role in honing the students' skills for this competitive arena.

Heartfelt congratulations to the team and Ms. Kaur for upholding MPS's tradition of excellence!

Posted By : Priya Aggarwal | Date : 17 Oct 2023 |
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