Amidst the lush greenery of the school vicinity, the young explorers of MPS embarked on an inspiring Vanmahotsav journey .With curiosity as their guide, they ventured into the park, eagerly exploring...
Here's a glimpse of our recent General Assembly of MPSMUN2022 wherein our young IB PYP explorers discussed global environmental issues like rising environmental catastrophes and global...
After giving stunning performances, it's time to earn rewards The annual prize distribution ceremony at MPS was held on February 8, 2023, to felicitate the winners of various...
Our second PYPExhibition organised for classes 3 and 4 on the theme "Celebrating Young Explorers" was a huge accomplishment. Our global citizens of future and creative...
ExperientialLearning Our 1st PYPExhibition organised for classes 1 & 2 on the theme 'Celebrating Young Explorers' was a huge success and one of its kind experience. Our global citizens...
We celebrated Republic Day at MPS with our young IBPYP explorers as they inquire about Indian culture and values. Click for the Video
Our #IB #PYP explorers being the frontrunners of #FitIndiaSchoolWeek2022 #FitSchoolCoolSchool, took part in several fitness activities to promote mental and physical fitness. It is an encouragement...
कल आयोजित गतिविधि में मोर्डन पब्लिक स्कूल के कक्षा पाँच के छात्र - छात्राओं...